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Handling of Personal Information Please review and agree to the following items before proceeding to [confirm].

  • Acquisition of Personal Information KAI-U Patent Law Firm will acquire personal information through legal and fair means.
  • Use of Personal Information Our office will use personal information within the scope of the purposes notified or disclosed in advance.
    When we entrust the handling of personal data to third parties, we will strictly investigate and select the entrusted parties and supervise them appropriately to ensure the safe management of personal data.
  • Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties Our office will not provide personal data to third parties without the prior consent of the individual, except as required by law.
    However, this does not apply in the following cases:
    1. When there is the consent of the individual.
    2. When it is necessary for business operations, and disclosure or provision is made to a business partner.
    3. When disclosure is required by law or other justifiable reasons.
  • Management of Personal Data Our office will maintain the accuracy of personal data within the necessary scope to achieve the purposes of use and manage it safely.
    We will take reasonable information security measures against unauthorized access to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal data.
  • Disclosure of Retained Personal Data Our office will appropriately respond to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., regarding retained personal data from the individual, in accordance with the law.
  • Personal Information Protection Management System Our office will manage personal information appropriately through our internal operational systems and employee education, and take preventive measures against leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.
  • Continuous Review Our office will review the operational status of personal information handling as appropriate and strive for continuous improvement. We may change our privacy policy as necessary.
  • Contact Information Requests for disclosure, opinions, questions, complaints, and other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information are accepted at our office.
    Kai-U Patent Law Firm
    Address: Nagoya Lucent Tower 9F
    6-1, Ushijima-Cho, Nishi-Ku, Nagoya 451-6009 Japan
    Phone: +81-52-588-3361
    FAX: +81-52-551-2033

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